This is going to be a really random post...taking care of a few different topics all in one...

- I tried the sprouted grain bread in the crock turned a dark brown and smelled a bit like molasses...the outside was hard and crunchy and the inside was soft and crumbly.  It was fine....not great....and think I'll try the other one that has a few more ingredients in it. I also had a hard time turning my sprouts into dough since I don't have a food processor.  I used my blender and it became an ordeal. But I did throw the rest of my sprouted wheat into a batch of yummy cookies. That turned out well...might mess with it a little before I pass it on. Last night I started some lentils in the jar...sprouted lentil soup, anyone? Did I hear someone say "hippie"?

- The dishwasher soap recipe that I was trying hasn't been turning out so well...sometimes things come out rather cloudy, or with spots...and I have had to wash again. That's not the point of making my own!!! I've been quite disappointed.  I've also been putting white vinegar with a dropper full of Grapefruit Seed Extract (a powerful antimicrobial agent) in the rinse can also use Tea Tree Oil which is antibiotic, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti fungal (not everyone likes the smell, however).  So I think that I'll keep my homemade rinse aid, and instead of making my own, I'll just mix up a homemade concoction and mix it with a "natural" store bought brand to stretch it. Who wants to wash their dishes twice!...that's not being very green nor thrifty!

- An update on the homemade laundry friend Amy (yep, the same one) suggested using 'Castille' soap instead of the "fels naptha". It's not that much more expensive, and it's more natural.  I bought a new book while on my Wyoming journey...called The Naturally Clean Home (I'll show it to you in a future post), and it says that "naptha" is in quite a few commercial cleaning products and is a neurotoxin. Now, I'm just guessing that "fels naptha" has naptha in it...but I don't think it's too far of a stretch to assume so. I've got a full bar left that I'll use up and perhaps grate the soap outside to avoid those sneaky neurotoxins finding their way into my babies' brains!...then I'll make the switch.

- Those of you who have known that we applied for the Director of Camp Ministries position at the camp we both grew up at... I wanted to  inform you that we did not get the job. We're glad that the right person was chosen...though it would have been a wonderful opportunity for our family.  Apparently, in God's infinite wisdom, we are to pursue another direction. Please pray with us about what direction that should be.

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