So here is a little song I wrote for a music class at Western. I pulled it out of the files today and had to laugh at myself. So here you go....go ahead and laugh at me too!

Colorful Food
(to be sung to the tune of "O My Darlin' Clementine")

Fruits and veggies
eat the red ones
they have lots of lycopene
lowers risk of diabetes
tomatoes, peppers, strawberries

Fruits and veggies
eat the orange ones
full of beta carotene
maintains your eyesight, boosts immunity
carrots, pumpkin, nectarines

Fruits and veggies
eat the yellow ones
rich in bioflavanoids
strengthens bones and heals your boo boos
lemons, squash for girls and boys

Fruits and veggies
eat the green ones
a source of indoles and lutein
fighting cancer, loss of vision
broccoli, spinach, collard greens

Fruits and veggies
eat the purple ones
with phenols, anthocyanins
Reduces Alzheimer's and heart disease
eggplant, prunes, and blackberries

12/30/2007 12:06:49 pm

I'm laughing with you, Lisa, and sure enjoying your poetry - that's really good! Too bad that my favorite colored food, though, contains things I can't even pronounce... You're so awesome, Lisa. I miss you, my friend!!! : )

12/30/2007 12:08:53 pm

By the way - I **LOVE** your family Christmas photo!!! (It's up on my dresser mirror so I see your beautiful faces every day! Love it!)


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