Just a few things that make me go..Awwhhh, life is great!
-Gracie is standing on her own more and more...she even took her first steps last week, but nothing since then!  She's a mover and a shaker, not to mention a little vacuum cleaner...yikes! Gotta keep those floors clean!
-Josiah is learning to pee standing up...on his own initiative...Soooo cute!
-Grace's favorite words are: "AhhDaa" for 'all done' which she uses correctly with the sign when she's finished eating, and pretty much whenever she wants to be done with something. "Nigh Nigh" for 'night night' used when she's tired and after I wrap her up for bed. "Hidadada" which is her greeting when she sees daddy...and when she sees mama...
-Josiah is getting proficient at playing the air guitar and singing into his hand microphone at the same time. Even during church!

3/30/2008 04:27:58 pm

Wasn't it just yesterday that I was investigating my floor for objects that JOSIAH might "vacuum"?

3/31/2008 02:52:58 am

that's adorable!

4/1/2008 04:54:26 am

Good for Josiah!! What a big boy! Jason and I were commenting about how girl/boy Gracie and Tyson are...she's into the words and he's mimicking sounds. Josiah is a good 'sound guy' too....so far Tyson can 'do' the fire engine/ambulance siren, the blender, and the sound his stomach makes when full of fluid...(it's hilarious, he has a variety of clicks that he uses...I'll blog about it later..)

4/1/2008 02:53:48 pm

I can't wait to see Tyson again...it would be so great to hear his mimicking...are you getting those on film/recorded???
I remember that...boy that feels like forever ago...we miss you so much!
I wish we could do playdates together so I can see you interact as mommy...someday!!


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