I just wanted to say a few words directed towards my distant yet near to my heart friends...
Camee - we still walk by your house and reminisce.... wish we could sit down for a cup of nap time tea in the purple mug you gave me. =) (the one I use everyday for my cup o' tea.) Miss your laugh, sorting with you, egg sandwiches, playing with your kids, your encouragement and your listening ear. May God give you the endurance and creativity to be the best mommy and teacher ever! You are such an inspiration to me! Love you...con besos y abrazos fuertes, mi amiga especial!

Cassie Wray - thinking of you in your cozy craft room, looking out on the mounds of snow, wishing I could be crafty with you and spend some time enjoying your lovely home and sweet company.  Wouldn't it be nice to be back on that boat to Greece...or on the beach at Corfu...just for a few days? I miss our adventures, a good hoot, cuddles, and talking till wee hours in the morning....Wish we could be nearer....to discover more of who you are today. I check your blog everyday...Hugs and loves....

Tenisha - I want to be house hunting with you right now...thanks for keeping me in the loop...I'm so excited for you! MIssing being able to watch Tyson change everyday and you be such a great mommy to him....I also miss building furniture and reorganizing spaces with you..we're a good team. You know we would be doing dinner 'parties'  together all the time, making baby food, gardening,  walking, and swapping natural remedies...Love you...always...=)

Tana - It was so fun to see where you live, the people you spend your time with, and even to know what your ring tone is when I call you (Oh when the saints...). Thanks for the fun time and for letting me organize your cupboards even though you didn't initially want me to! You are a great cook, a diligent housewife, and a fun mommy...wish we could be doing all this together...Love you so...

Heather - Ok, I just saw you last weekend so that doesn't really count...but I wanted to say "hi" to you and baby Wahl...you are a glowing pregnant mommy! Thanks again for the Green Tea frappe that tasted like bubble gum...and next time we will make you play Settlers! Always my dogg...love to you!

Bro - You never check this, but if you ever do, you'll know I'm sending you love...Miss singing with you and will force you to take me out when you come up next summer!

Christel - In far off places..living adventures on a daily basis...someday we'll meet up and go on an adventure of our own....a childhood dream come true! Miss our walks on the beach...so long ago, such wild imaginations we had! Wish we could just pick up where we left off. There's a picture of you on my fridge from that one day we took a walk in the woods near a railroad track...and next to it is your engagement magnet. =) Love you and miss you dearly, my friend.

Janel - I'm glad you made it safely home...it was so much fun to have you here and see you as much as we did.  You are such a pro to organize with...I'll have some more jobs lined up for you next time you visit! Let me know when you need more gelatin and once you've read more of "the book". =)  Perhaps it will be our turn to stay in the guest house next! Love you...and happy perspiring!

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