Well, we've got one busy week ahead of us...so I thought I'd just post to say that I won't be posting for the rest of the week....if I can stand it! I figure if I tell you not to expect anything and I have an unexpected lull...then you'll all be surprised! We've got our community group, double date on Thursday, Friday my parents are coming for the weekend plus a rehearsal dinner for a wedding on Saturday in which Josiah is the ring bearer and Brent and I are reading Scripture! Whew! We'll be baking pies, shopping for last minute wardrobe accessories, making a rosemary syrup for the lemonade at the reception, getting Josiah a haircut (yikes!), and doing the mounds of laundry that have piled up while we've been out gardening and playing in the sunny (formerly) weather!
I do have a yummy curry red lentil dish that I've written down to share with you (I never write anything down!)...that we had last night for dinner and that I could eat at least once a week.....but I guess I'll just leave you with that teaser! So stay tuned, though not for the rest of the week! Love to you all....enjoy your Memorial day weekend!

Gotta love 'em....

5/21/2008 09:22:04 am

Have a fun time! Gracie is looking so grown up and cute! In the pic with her and Brent Jason noticed it looks like she's taking the picture! So talented! :O)
Hope Josiah's new 'do goes well...we just gave Tyson a buzz...ummmm...it looks good from across the room.... :O)

5/21/2008 11:54:32 am

have a great time!
oh, and gracie looks like you in the picture w/brent! =) must be something about that smirk/smile!

5/21/2008 01:20:41 pm

Such cute pictures!!!

Have a wonderful week! :)


5/22/2008 03:26:00 am

Love the new family photo!!
And aren't those kids just little charmers?!

Hope this week/end is loads of fun, even amongst all the busyness .... I'll still be checking in, see if you made it on again!

5/25/2008 02:59:03 pm

I'm totally crying here at the preciousness of your little Gracie. To see how she's not a baby any more ~ she's a beautiful little girl! And I'm so sad that I'm not there to watch her grow and watch you be the momma of a *girl*! And Josiah is looking like the same fun, happy little guy that I would just love to play trucks with... I'm sure all of our kiddos together would just have a blast. Someday, my friend, someday!!! Know that I adore you and your family. Tell Brent hi for me and Josiah that Mrs. Parker says hi and sends a BIG HUG!

I hope you enjoy your week and weekend. How fun that Josiah gets to be a ringbearer! I hope you all enjoy the wedding and family and friends time. Let's talk soon!


5/26/2008 01:41:26 am

Cute pics, way to go on that garden-it's so fun to harvest your own organic veggies right out the door! curious on that homeade laundry soap you gave me, we don't have a front loader, just the standard old school. How much soap to I use for a large load?

Janel Mattix
5/27/2008 01:20:48 am

Hey Lisa,

I'm looking forward to hearing about this rosemary syrup you made for the lemonade and your curry red lentil dish!

Hope the wedding was great! Janel

5/30/2008 07:37:24 pm

You got the cutest kids, sis!


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