Yesterday our boy was sick and it lasted through this morning....but my dear hubby let me sleep in as late as I wanted and go off shopping all morning. So after I grocery shopped my socks off (which is actually fun for me) (Havilah, I missed you at Costco!) I came home motivated to tackle a few kitchen projects that I've been wanting to do for awhile.
1. I made "Bieler Broth" : for fasting, energy, and overall health...restores the acid-alkaline and sodium-potassium balance to organs and glands.
2. I made homemade formula for Grace...using raw milk, gelatin (helps make the milk easier to digest), cod liver oil, acerola powder, extra virgin coconut oil, and...ok, you might not care what's all in it...but if you really want the recipe, you can let me know. 
3. I made a honey 'butter' spread with 'pasture butter', extra virgin olive oil, extra virgin coconut oil, and raw honey. The olive oil helps keep the mix spreadable even while refrigerated, the coconut oil aids in boosting the metabolism and is rich in lauric acid, and "pasture butter" is high in Omega 3's, Conjugated Linoleic Acid, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin K, and vitamin E. (the fat-soluble  vitamins occur in large amounts only when the butter comes from cows eating green grass. Nourishing Traditions) My mom always has a butter/olive oil spread handy in her fridge and it's so nice that it's spreadable even when cold. So thanks for the inspiration, Mom, I'll try to save you some....=)

4. We're about to make's that for healthy! I told you one of my weakness is chips....but the chips we're having tonight (after the kids are in bed) are Organic Blue Corn Baked Tortilla Chips from Trader Joe's....that's a mouthful!  "After baking, the chips are sprayed with a small amount of expeller pressed oil, then salted..." That makes me feel a bit better about indulging in a treat. We'll mix up some meat, black beans, spices, salsa, and cheddar....then a few dollops of "Nancy's organic, cultured sour cream"....
Off to put the babies to bed...and turn on the broiler...=)

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