What a morning....I was so tired (from little 3am interruptions) and just wanted to crawl back into bed and sleep for one more hour....(I'm up with Brent at 6, and he's gone by 6:35)...five minutes after I'm snuggled up with the still warm pillows from Brent's side of the bed....I hear the doors open and the pit pat of little feet in those one piece jammies....
He walks over to Brent's side of the bed and just crawls right up...with 'Buddy', 'Fluffy', and 'Blankie' (it's quite an armful) whining about wanting Daddy....and I know that at this point I should be relishing in this blissful morning moment...but instead I'm mentally mourning the loss of that extra rest....and to quiet him from waking up Gracie, I begin to tell a story of an old tractor...(Josiah will sit mesmerized by storytelling)...Ten minutes later as I find myself saying things that don't make sense and Josiah is interrupting me to add his version...there goes 'the Grace'...and it's all over.
Two bouts of tantrums later...I'm sweeping the floor to keep that "get-in-ta" girl from gleaning her breakfast from last night's dinner crumbs...as she sits in her chair and squeals and is desperately doing the sign for 'more' (even after she's had a bottle!)...Meanwhile, appeased by a dish of grapes, Josiah is busy 'mowing' the living room floor with that gigantic kid carrier backpack (the one you gave us, Camee!)...begging me to come mow with him. How could I refuse an offer like that?! So...I mowed a section of carpet with my son, then sent him to 'mow' the bed sheets on over to washing machine and put them in (the perks of having a front loader with small children!) By now it's 9am...and I know it's time for food when Josiah states..."What can I have?"...So today was smoothie, i.e.:use up everything in the fridge, day. Now, I've given Josiah a few 'not so yummy' smoothies...the kind that I'm glad that there's not enough for me to share...and he still thinks it's just grand. So for me to add all sorts of healthy stuff is nothing new....but this morning was the "Mother of All Smoothies"....I threw in everything I could think of to pack in the nutrients...and it was so good that I had a full, 'brain freezing', glassful right along with him....and when I tasted it and said "Yum, Josiah!"...I wasn't lying through my teeth. So...here it is...for all of you to boldly go where your blender has not gone before...and to trust me when I say "YUM!"

      The Mother of All Smoothies

-Fill blender to top with fresh spinach, blend with enough water or juice to liquefy

-Add frozen chunks of mango and strawberries, and blend again

-Add one nectarine with skins on

-One banana

-3 fresh strawberries

-3 large spoonfuls of plain, whole milk yogurt

-One scoop (2 Tbs) ground flax seed

-Dribble of cod liver oil (we used berry flavored)

-One teaspoon of primadophilus  (powdered probiotics for kids)

-Some grass clippings from our homegrown wheatgrass

-One Tbs raw honey

-Blend, blend, blend

3/19/2008 02:29:27 am

some mornings are so tiring...aren't they? but then those sweet faces and invitations to join in the fun make it all worth it. Josiah takes such good pictures. What a happy kid!

3/19/2008 04:28:44 pm

why does it all sound so familiar. This morning I was kicking myself for not taking that chunk of time to shower. Oh well. Where do you get your flax seed? I just got the ground stuff from Costco and was wondering if you know how good it is...?


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