Here's a few photos of our first family of four camping trip....that ended early! =)
Highlights would t-bone steaks over an open flame....lots of walks...dipping our feet in the lake on the hot hot sleeping through the night..(while mama lies awake listening to the bats eat the bugs off the tent)...picking wild strawberries...watching the kids get super dirty and just enjoy being outside.

This little munchkin was all over the the fire pit, on top of the table, escaping towards the road (has some imaginary magnetic pull, apparently), putting all sorts of unknown items in her mouth...there was a whole new world to explore that kept us on our toes!

Josiah had so much fun....when asked his favorite part of camping he replied that it was "playing in my tree house".....which I'm still not sure where that was....a vivid creation of the imagination...=)
(notice the girl up on the table....again...that's a tortilla that she found and decided to carry with her on our next walk. =)...also notice the cup on the ground...which was on the table....and found by the girl...)

"Are we having fun yet"?....Caught off guard by the camera man....while wiping some fingers....and soooo ready for bed!

This patient, patient man....."let's go for a walk!" was the quickest route to sanity...strap that baby in the carrier!

And here we are....Gracie with the tortilla, Josiah with his sword "to protect his family", he says...

7/6/2008 08:51:05 am

Oh Lisa,
I love to read and see your adventures. What memories are stirred as I look at your family out camping. The progression of photos and the way you captioned each shot in this story had me laughing out loud by the end.
Much love,
Mama :o)


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