I know, I know....most of you have moved on from this holiday....but I'm just now starting to get back to reality, and finally wanted you to see what we were doing during that season when you didn't hear from me for a while! I promise this will be the last!!

"I have no idea what these are yet, but I'll put my mouth all over them to see what it tastes like!"

"Jammin" with Grandma on "O Come Let Us Adore Him"


You want to know what was going through my head when this photo was taken?
-"I hope no one can tell how tired I am from this photo."
-"Wow....that's a lot of gifts!"
-"Josiah is going crazy right now....how much extra grace do you give in this type of situation?"
-"Christmas with kids sure makes you evaluate your traditions and how you're purposing to focus on Christ....why do these gifts seem to overshadow that!!"
-"Gracie has no idea what's going on, except for that there's a lot more stuff on the floor to grab, and she keeps hearing that "No touch" phrase over and over!"
-"These are some special times with the family...it won't always be like this...sigh."

1/16/2008 10:20:38 am

so sweet, lisa! looks like everyone had fun!!

1/18/2008 01:55:36 am

Josiah and Adam look bonded as cousins :O)

1/24/2008 06:06:21 am

Your kids are so cute!

Hope you are doing well!



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