Since Grace and Josiah share their June 4th birthday, we are planning on making it a giant fun celebration ONCE a year.  This year the party was fun and exhausting for us all, as we set the stage in our own backyard. Thankfully the day was perfect;  sunny and warm, and the kids had a ball...smiling, fighting, playing, eating and all.

"Don't mess with my flourless chocolate cupcake with strawberry cream cheese frosting"....yes, there is sugar, but no white flour!!!  It blows the blueberry flax muffin that Josiah got for his first birthday out of the water....(poor kid).
The picture was taken at such an angle so you couldn't see the strawberries sliding off my cake...the icing was too thin...but it looked pretty for a few minutes!
Notice the "eyes glazed over" look...
The blue birthday bike...
Posing for a photo with Nana and Papa...was a little difficult by this was crazy tired and the other was just plain crazy...
I'll have you know that I didn't take a single photo that day, and all would have been lost had we not delegated that responsibility to a capable friend.  I also was starting to feel dizzy towards the end, and got to rest while our amazing group of friends and family cleaned up the yard, organized, and did my dishes!!!! Wow....they speak my language...
Where was baby in all of this??? sweet boy bounced away in his chair, snuggled with relatives, snuck in some cuddly moments with mama, and fell asleep in the arms of a friend. What a day...
6/27/2009 12:26:42 pm

oooh, I'm sad to miss the big day! Well, mostly sad to miss you guys and all the lovely people in your pictures :) Thanks for the posts and the stories. I love the "they know my language" bit. Nicely done friends!

How goes the summer? I see Josiah has burned his little nose a couple of times. Wonderful!


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