We had a little episode the other night...
Josiah woke up screaming (not uncommon) at 1:30am and mommy came to his aid...his complaint was that his ear and his chest hurt...so I run through the mental list of what might qualify for an ear infection, and proceeded to press just outside of his ear lobe with my finger to see if it was sensitive. Sure enough...it hurt...but I still wasn't sure if it was the full blown deal. (He's never had one before) So we get up and go into the kitchen where I do the only thing I can think of to do in the middle of the night...(honestly, Tylenol did not occur to me until just now!) I get out my garlic press (garlic is a natural antibiotic)and some olive oil,(I heard about this from friends) crush a clove into an old baby food jar, mix with a bit of oil, and use a Q-tip to drip the mix into his ear. This was NOT an easy process...since my son is even deathly fearful of haircuts...but I managed to get a bit in there and plugged it with a cotton ball (which didn't' stay in for too long). We made it back to bed an hour later after quite the struggle/nurture/reassuring session...I think Josiah wanted to get back to bed just so he won't have me sticking stinky stuff down his ear! But he slept the rest of the night and when he emerged from his room in the morning he announced that his ear was "all better!". So, of course, that had me doubting whether or not it really was an ear infection...and since this hasn't happened before I guess I won't know. Brent, however, was rather weirded out by my odd form of torture....though after sharing this story at work, it turns out that three other guys had heard of this method for treating ear infections, and one guy said that's what his mom did when he was growing up! So, now I've got experience...and know what to do if/when it happens again...and I'm not completely off my natural rocker!

4/1/2008 04:22:05 pm

I have a book that is natural remedies for kids and one of the ways you can use the garlic is just set the peeled clove inside of his ear (with tape if it keeps falling out). Garlic oil is potent enough that it doesn't have to be touching the spot to clear it out!!! Glad it worked for him! :O) Did he have to take a bath in lemon juice to get rid of the smell the next morning? :O)

4/2/2008 02:17:22 am

This just amazes me! I wish I had known this about three weeks ago!!! What is the name of the book Tenisha? Do you have some books/websites that tell you about all this info? I would LOVE to know!

4/2/2008 05:07:05 am

That's great to know about the garlic clove in the ear...it would have saved me some time! Though I'm not sure if he'd let it sit there too long either.
We'd didn't have to bathe in lemon juice...though the house smelled pretty strong in the morning!
Yeah, Tenisha...post the name of your books on your new blog =) or Tyson's page!

4/2/2008 03:53:33 pm

whoops, I mixed up my sources. The garlic sitting in the ear (with tape over it) came from the Bulk Herb Store website. (On your web page suggestion list) If you look at the garlic page it talks about it's potency and testimony of someone setting the clove in the ear. One of the books I have is Gentle Healing for Baby and Child by Andrea Candee and their recommendation is garlic oil (which you basically made Lisa) or even a warmed up slice of onion set in the ear! You would not put oil in the ear if the eardrum has ruptured, obviously that would be bad for healing. Her premise is that you can try a natural remedy for 3 days and if it hasn't made a difference then go and see a doctor. Or get a diagnosis and then treat naturally. Hopefully all Josiah had was an earache and you helped it to feel better, has he had a fever and such the past few days?

4/3/2008 02:12:30 am

No fever....he's been acting fine...and no more ear complaints. So it probably just was an earache. How can you tell if the eardrum has ruptured?

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