I sign up to receive these health newsletters through Mercola.com and actually read about every third one....but today the title peaked my interest and I thought that it would be relevant to share with you all...since it tis the season for such things!
It's regarding the flu vaccine, it's contents, death rate statistics, and alternatives to getting the shot. It's a video so you don't have to read...just listen and let me know what you think!
This, by the way, is NOT intended to make anyone feel guilty or judged by me if you do choose to receive the shot...I'm just learning about these things myself and appreciate a perspective that is not cookie cutter to mainstream media and medicine.  SO please don't feel offended, but rather free to express your opinion.

10/21/2008 07:49:51 am

I will have to come back and watch it tonight when the kids are in bed! We just got the flu shot...mostly because we get sick so much ever year...with going to church, other activities and kids finger sucking habbits...it is hard not to! =)
I can't wait to see the video and maybe it will inform me for next year!

10/22/2008 06:32:21 pm

My first posting! I never get the flu shot - it's very retro, but I consider getting sick as a way to strengthen my immune system. I know that lots of people die from the flu, but as scientists are just giving each year's flu vaccine their best guess on what will make the rounds, I figure it's better to be generally healthy and let your immune system take care of the rest. If I were older and frailer, I might consider it but until then - flu shot free. :)

10/29/2008 05:54:56 pm

I have not watched the video yet, however i do have my own personal opinions about getting a flu shot . First of all, there are so many different strains of the flu virus, that the strains are able to break off and become stronger mutating into completley different virusus than what it even originated as. There is no real way to know that the flu vaccine that you are recieving even has the right chemicals to attack any particular virus, not to mention you are killing off the good bacteria in your body that is able to keep you from getting sick in the first place. Secondly, there is very good evidence to conclude that the flu virus vaccine is ineffective and will actually do NOTHING to prevent illness but put more harm into your body than protective. Thirdly and perhaps most important, you are further exposing your child or yourself to dangerous chemicals, most unsafe, mercury. There is mercury inside of every vaccine that you are given. The side effects can be nothing short of completley dangerous and life changing. These of course are just my opinons, along side of many articles, reviews, books, and trusted research from highly intelligent doctors and the hollistic medical community who think outside of the box and continually push the envelope on cutting edge unbios information to save the health of people. P.S I also recieve newsletters from Dr. Mercola, I enjoy his straight forward approach to health information, I think that people really need this honesty in times of so much confusing information given out there.


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