Our church just started using this verse pack for the children in Sunday school. It's from John Piper's 'Desiring God Ministries', and they are a really helpful tool in giving me direction on which verses to memorize with Josiah. So far we have done 8 of them, meaning that we've put them to song and practice them most days at breakfast.  They're short enough for him to get fairly quickly, and since he responds so well to music, I added some cheesy tunes. Now he reminds me by saying, "Should we do our verses today?".  Don't be too impressed, however, because most of our "sessions" involve me singing and Josiah playing the "drums" (He likes to use the pillow you made him, Camee, as his "drum"!). I know he's getting something, because I'll occasionally overhear him singing one as he plays. The bonus is that I'm learning them too...although I occasionally forget a tune....I don't know if I can keep up this music precedent  for the whole thing-it's a pretty thick little packet! I ordered one for my little nephew for Christmas (shhhh...) and if you're interested you can find them here. They also have another verse packet called "Fighter verses" for school-age children, but I think we'll aim to do that one as a family, since we all can use to be actively memorizing scripture.

12/5/2007 07:57:28 am

We have been enjoying our memory verses too, we do them every night before bed, and although some nights I could do without reviewing every one, Devin always asks for "Genesis 1:1" so we have to do them all. Most nights at least :)

12/7/2007 02:26:18 am

Hey, I hear you are cleaning the church with Amy next Saturday? Thanks, I need to get your email address from you again if you want to be on the cleaning emails.

12/12/2007 07:55:18 am

let me just say....hosea...tehehehen verse twelve...


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