I seem to go in bursts with this blog thing...I've noticed that my blogging patterns seem to correlate fairly closely to my moods....needless to say, this has been a long and low week for me. Last Thursday I injured my back pretty bad....Brent took off work on Monday to take care of the kids. Brent can tell when it's bad if I'm submitting to taking drugs to feel better...I'm one to tough it out rather than to yield to ingesting synthetic....(ok, I won't get started down that trail...)  =)
So I'm not promising any sort of consistency in the near future, but for now, I'll leave you with a recent photo of me....just because I never do.
 My face says a hundred different things...

3/15/2008 05:59:34 am

I am sorry to hear about your sore back, I hope it's better. Cabbage who would have thought? For ulcers?

Thanks for the baby shower registering advice....I did end up having a pretty good time and walked out with many of your suggestions added to my list.

3/15/2008 06:00:35 am

nice! looks great in your living room! i know you had a blast organizing that shelf, my dear...


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