Life has been super busy around the Rollins house this summer.

- First of all I am delighted to announce that Gracie is now potty trained!!!
               Hip, Hip, Hurray!
I am thrilled to only have one child in diapers again, and we are finally out of the "cleaning up accidents" phase (knock on wood!).

- I've noticed it seems that our old front door has been exchanged for a "revolving front door" as there has been an increase in volume of folks stopping by, "hanging out", and "sticking around". I've been enjoying the company, conversation, and the challenge of trying to manage a home while having extra bodies in it. It is so good for me and has spurred a bit better time management on my part (not a natural strength of mine). I've been "enjoying" starting my day earlier to fit it all in...making it to the gym by 5:30 a.m., so I have time to study my Bible before all the kiddos wake up. Ahh...those precious stolen moments. (I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I would ever enjoy being a part of the 5 a.m. club! I looovvvveee to sleep in!)   I've noticed that I'm feeling drawn to naps lately to make up for some later nights, however...

- Elijah has been moved back to the kids' room and is sleeping through the night fairly consistently, thus giving us our bedroom back (that pack n' play took up soo much room!). 

- We are hosting a group meeting at our house to read through "Pilgrim's Progress" together on Thursday evenings.

- Our church is hosting a potluck BBQ Wednesday nights at Lake Padden which has been fun. My children love being able to stay up late, play outside with all their friends, and to sneak "goodies" off the dessert table when Mama is busy chatting.

- My brother was in Seattle for a week playing a "gig" at the Muckleshoot Casino in Auburn. The kids and I spent two days at the folks' house catching up with "Uncle Paul"....with whom there's always a song to be sung and a laugh to be had.

- Just to brag on the amazing generosity of my friends...Elijah has been thriving on donated breastmilk  for the last two months, and still going!! He's still a bit small for his age, but I think he's making up for it with his charm! I am soooo thankful...he will have sampled the milk of 5 different mommies!!  Three cheers!!
And to my Mom who has been the milk collection agency from the friends in Seattle! THANKS, MOM!

- Meet "Mr. Ryan"...he is our long term house guest...occupying the front "guest room" for the time being. He is a great help, built-in baby-sitter, and very easy person to have around.

This is my friend Melissa whom we hadn't seen in three years...she came with her two girls and stayed for two weeks in the kids' room. (those bunk beds are already coming in handy!) The kids slept in our room and in a tent outside with Brent...we were a house of 5 kids and 4 adults in 1200 sq. ft of house...
The kids played hard, fought hard, and slept hard....
Meanwhile...our vegetable garden grows monstrous, toys seem perpetually strewn about the back yard, apples are falling off the tree, laundry is always on the line...and we stop and smile at summer, at each other, at our kids...and love every minute of it.
7/14/2009 08:01:25 am

Maybe it's only certain posts I can't leave a comment on? Wierd. Well, I have loved peeking in and seeing what you guys are up to! You are amazing! Tell Brent the picnic table looks wonderful, I can't wait to share a meal with you on it, and the 'snow storm' looked fun :O), though I'm sure you're very very first thought was not fun :O). I'm glad you took a picture, that will be a great memory for them! :O) Elijah is growing so great, he has such a mellow look about him. I think Kaiya will be in the same category as him, she's a little on the small side and for some reason that seems to bother the docs. :P phooey I say.

8/4/2009 03:28:33 am

Yay for donated breastmilk! My friend is a milk farm and we've been taking advantage of her generosity for the last few months now , too :) The stuff is like gold.


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