I found a great website today.....a homeschooling family doing all the things I'm striving for! The Family Homestead.(yes, even the goats, chickens, and homemade lotions!) What an encouraging example. I sure have a long way to grow, but it all starts with a vision, right?
Here's an encouraging quote that reminds me to stay on track:
"If we want to change ourselves in some important way,
it's best not to wait for insight or inspiration.
Sometimes we need to act- to begin writing that paper,
to make those phone calls, to see that person-
even if we don't feel like acting.
To strengthen our convictions, it helps to enact them.
In this way, faith and love are alike:
if we keep them to ourselves, they shrivel.
If we enact and express them, they grow."
Sorry...I don't remember where I gleaned this from....but I found it in college, and now I keep it with my other inspirations in my journal.
Speaking of enacting, I've got to put a roast in the oven!

12/17/2007 12:37:06 am

it's a pretty cool website...i think i had run across it before looking for something else. i like all the info it gives and pictures that show how to do things!!


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