Here he is...Elijah Daniel Townsend Rollins...born 3:13am on February 8th...7 lbs, 5 oz, 21 in. long.
I started having some consistent contractions (finally!!) around 11:30pm on Saturday night, went to the Birth Center around 12:30am, and was 4 cm upon arrival. Active labor kicked in pretty soon, and the next time the midwife went to check me (shortly after 3am), I said "I feel like I have to push, I feel like I have to push!"...I got in the tub and after about 5 min of pushing and screaming (I'm still hoarse), little Elijah popped out and was placed on my tummy. I was so relieved that the intensity was over...I always forget that THIS was what I was working towards...I just got to stare and stare still the cord stopped pulsing, then we got out of the tub....3 hours later we came home to some mystified and very excited  children (thanks to our friend Amy who slept over!!) and the rest is....
Well, I'm exhausted, my heart is overflowing, and I'm still apprehensive as I wait to see how much milk I'm going to produce. Last night we both got some sleep, which at this point, "some" feels like a whole lot...
The kids are wanting to touch, poke, hold, see, grab, and practically sit on Elijah...which is taking patience on my part, to let them discover him as a real person and not just a doll or the anonymous "Baby Roll" in my tummy...while I try to protect this new little one from being accosted (and injured) by his "loving" siblings. I am so glad that I have mom is still a trooper, dealing with crazy, excited, and "pushing the boundaries" children, helping with the cooking and cleaning, making me Korean Seaweed Soup, and spoiling me rotten...while my dear husband is rubbing my feet, changing tar poopy diapers, dishes and cooking, and protecting me from the middle of the night interruptions from the other kids.
So...thanks for all your prayers, and messages of love and support...we are soaking up these special!!!

2/10/2009 10:22:55 am

Yea! So happy that everything went "well"!!!! God is good!
I hope you get some rest!
Praying for you!

2/10/2009 01:50:41 pm

tears of joy flow for you, Lisa. missing you...

2/10/2009 11:42:51 pm

Congratulation Lisa -- good job! A hard and quick labour, sounds like, ... I'm so glad Elijah didn't want to take too long for you! He is beautiful, you look wonderful and the kids look ecstatic!!
Happy settling back into home life, we'll certainly be thinking of you ...

2/11/2009 12:18:32 am

Congratulations! I love the top photo of him, it's beautiful. It all sounds wonderful (well, not that labor is 'wonderful', but that it produced a healthy baby and mama) except for the...seaweed what? yeah...I'll stick to smiling at the pictures of the kids so happy to have baby with them!! :O) Love you!!

2/13/2009 02:53:47 am

HURRAY LISA!!!! I know that this was a long time in coming. Enjoy the new member!!
I'm due tomorrow...the Dr. said earlier this week that I should be on time or that leaves one more day to make that happen! We shall see. :)
I'm thrilled for you!

2/13/2009 09:03:45 am

Congratulations you guys!!

Enjoy that sweet bundle of love! Janel

2/13/2009 10:05:38 am

Well, Tyson is here sitting on my lap so I showed him the pictures of baby Elijah. He said 'whoa...whoa...whoa!' One with each picture!!

2/17/2009 05:10:18 am

Lisa this is so wonderful!! He is absolutely beautiful. I wish you lots of love and good health for every part of that growing family of yours. I am about to graduate college in May and I can't believe how time flies. Know you are always in my heart. Love, Joey

2/17/2009 05:45:13 am

Hi Peach and Congratulations!

You did it again. Remember the 3rd baby is the blessing baby -- like Charity.

He's so handsome!
Love you so!!! Brent and Josiah and Gracie too. You have a beautiful family.

Auntie Barb & family

Toni Gregory
2/19/2009 02:18:50 am

Wow! Congratulations on the newest Rollins....I guess the "girl thing" is done for awhile in the Gregory family, and we will have to wait for the next generation for more girls. We have a little something for Elijah coming your way soon.
You are in our prayers,
Love and Smooches,
"Aunt" Toni
(along with Uncle Don and boys)

2/26/2009 01:54:59 pm

Congratulations Lisa...and all! :) He is a cutie! I can't believe you left the hospital that soon! Congrats!!!!


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