I'm getting better at it now...typing, that is...women were made to multi-task!

Let's see..life with three...

-someone always wants your attention
-the work never gets done...which I'm learning to let go of right now...
-Daddy's are AMAZING!
-singing is a good distraction technique for my son
-I have to remember to change the way I read books to Grace...less word by word, more identifying items in pictures and concise story
-I'm using my free time more efficiently than I ever have before
-trying to be purposeful about one on one time with each kid every day...I never anticipated that with just three!
-I need to remind myself to take pictures
-the bed doesn't get made because I feel like I'm always in it!...nursing, reading stories, trying to find "Jonah" who's in the belly of the whale...=)
-days are going by so fast!!!
-looking forward to sunshine to get us all some exercise...I'm such a wimp in the rain!
-I actually had this thought for the first time ever..."I need a mental break...I'm going to (gulp) put on a movie". My husband has no qualms about it, but I'm so reluctant to use that form of distraction.
-Brent told me he was proud of me...after he spent some time with all three kids...that made me melt!....I love that I do it every day...but sure am thankful for a break.
All right...break's over...thanks for being patient with my sporadic blogs!

3/20/2009 02:32:50 pm

I can identify with so much (all?) of this post.
-always needed by one of the children
-work never getting done (laundry, dishes in my house)
-daddy's being amazing
-the singing thing: i have done that LOTS with adelia, and i thought just the other day that we should do more of it; all of us together.
-purposeful about one-on-one time
-sunshine need
-the need to veg (i sent mark to the video store a couple of nights ago! the last time we did *that*? ... UM ???)

:) fun post.

3/21/2009 11:35:56 am

Thanks for the update! I don't know if it's just my connection but it looks as though you've posted some pictures, but I can't see them!! :O(
Hopefully the sun will be here for good soon...it sure is teasing us, isn't it?

3/24/2009 10:33:52 am

you are my hero!

3/27/2009 02:13:21 am

Oh! I can see the pictures now! What a cute guy! I love his big round eyes..and his hair is stylin'..for some reason he has a pretty cute hairline!

4/1/2009 04:16:55 pm

oh! look at all three of them!
they are adorable!!! Hope you are hanging in there! It gets easier...don't worry! =)
I'll keep you in my prayers!
love to you!!

4/3/2009 01:55:46 pm

Yes, 3 was a much harder transition than from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 2:) I thought. Nice to see your cute pictures! Did you see Cass is expecting again?


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