Congrats to Jason and Tenisha who bought their first house...hope you're getting all settled! Check it out....
Cassie's getting bigger....kisses to your belly!
Heather's getting even bigger....can't wait to meet you baby girl! One more month! So sorry about Belle....she was a loved kitty!
My dear friends have both (husband and wife) been diagnosed with their inspiring updates here.
My friend is part of this neat project called Creative Change....they make cards and crafts and then donate their proceeds to various causes. Way to go girls!
Tarena has a great idea for a craft project...
and so does Stacy....Way cute!!
This is a really great site about healthy living...with articles about everything! I have them send me their articles and I find it so fascinating! I'm learning a lot!
Ok, here's a really random one for's a great site for reasonably priced vanilla beans! They are so expensive in the stores, and if you wanted to go together with some friends....good deal!
I just bought a gallon of unrefined coconut oil here for a great price!

4/24/2008 12:19:00 pm

Great links!
Stacy looks like she has a lot in common with me! I will have to keep checking her site! What fun to meet new friends!
Great prices on your finds too!
(oh, and the "random" link was linked you to the vanilla bean link also)
Thanks for a fun post!

4/24/2008 03:00:00 pm

Hola Lisa!!!
perdon que no te respondi la llamada, ni nada de nada. Todo esta loco por aqui, he estado muy enferma las ultimas 3 semanas, recien nos enteramos que vamos a tener nuestro segundo bebe en Noviembre!!! asi que estoy pasando por las nauseas y estar cansada todo el tiempo. Te voy a estar llamando mucho para consejos de como criar DOS en vez de UNO! =)
Dios te bendiga a ti y a tu familia.

4/26/2008 12:05:17 am

Aw, thanks Lise!
Sure missed you in your days of silence and I really hope you're doing good these days. I know, sometimes quiet is needed ....
love you!


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