...are so much fun to dress up! I didn't get to experience this with Josiah, so I'm in a whole new world! We've brought out the summer dresses and are trying new little hair-do's.... =)

4/27/2008 01:26:34 pm

Oh my!!!! How unbelievably adorable is she!!!
I also have loved dressing up our little lady! I was also amazed at how much extra "stuff" little girls already need!
For boys -pants, button-up shirt, nice shoes all work well for play and church...girls though have hair ties, bows, bands, tights in mulitple colors, many shoes for different types of outfits, dresses, cartigans, shirts, pants, shorts, skirts, jackets...and all of they have to work with each other to look nice so this might mean muliple colors of the same thing!!!! AHHH! How does it start so young!
At least it is so much FUN!
Keep taking pictures, love them!

4/28/2008 12:02:58 am

She is soooo cute!! I can't believe how big she's getting!

4/28/2008 03:29:35 am

We love the pigtails!!! Her hair is growing fast!

5/2/2008 02:02:41 am

Hi Peach,

These cute pictures remind me of the fun I had putting cute dresses on you and fixing your hair.

You are a good Momma. God is shining from your life my darling.



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