She's a local friend whom I met at church
Here's 10 Reasons why I think she's so great...
1. She makes spinach, kale, and collard green smoothies....and they taste yummy!
2. She does the dishes when she comes over to my house!
3. She said she would never ever judge me if she came over and my house was messy.
4. I can call her and tell her that I put granulated kelp in my sea salt and she would think that's cool.
5. They have us over to their house all the time to play Settlers of Catan....and they're not weirded out if we bring our leftovers.
6. She's a really good cook even though she doesn't enjoy it....but she's really purposing to change!
7. She's always positive and smiling, and never raises her voice.
8. She's honest, straightforward, and pragmatic.
9.She gives me breast milk for Gracie....since I don't produce enough!! You can't imagine how thankful I am for her generosity....
10. She's conscientious and purposeful about her diet, about  relationships, about being green, and about how she parents her kids.
And guess what she just did for me last week..???!!!....she came over and helped me sort through my kid's clothes and organize!  Ok, plus, she's letting me borrow a really great book called 'Nourishing Traditions' by Sally Fallon...for a really long time!
Well, that's more than ten, though there's lots more, and I know she'll be embarrassed by this, so I'll spare her. I still have to get her permission to post a photo of her...
Thanks for being such an inspiration and example to me, Amy!

2/20/2008 05:56:51 am

hmmm, Amy is pretty amazing. I would have a whole different list, but just as long I'm sure.
Nice job.


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