Brent is a meat and potatoes man....born and raised....I always seem to get more compliments on the food when it surrounds this genre. When we went to Argentina together (when Josiah was 5 months work at an orphanage...and travel) he was delighted to find the local restaurants serving up large and inexpensive portions of Argentine beef...taters, empanadas, and homemade pasta. =)  Some of the familiar Spanish words he grew fond of were bife de chorizo, bife de lomo, and milanesa...words describing various cuts of meat that were mouthwateringly delicious (if you like beef, that is...which...we do.)
Since the chances of us being able to eat Argentine beef at home are slim, I did learn one form of preparing beef to take home with us....the supremely flat, breaded and fried Milanesa.
The orphanage where we stayed served this quite frequently, though we were never sure which days it would be a steak, and which days it was liver. =) (which wasn't so bad served this way!)
Making milanesa is can even buy cheap cuts of meat because you're slicing it so thin it's always tender...even liver!
1. While partially frozen (easiest this way) slice your meat as thinly as you can.(for 2 lbs of meat...)
2. Pound out the thin slices so they're even thinner....meat mallet between wax paper works for kids to do this part!
3. Beat several eggs (I'm so not a precise chef...sorry) ( my need 4...)
4. Make superfine breadcrumbs...or buy them if you like (I suppose maybe 2 cups ...ish?...)
5. Add spices to the breadcrumbs....sea salt, a bit of pepper, Italian seasoning, parsley, garlic can even add Parmesan cheese if you want....(how much?...ha...I guess generous dustings of all but the pepper)
6. Dip meat in egg, then in breadcrumbs, then fry in a pan of oil over medium high heat.
It will cook super fast because it's so could also make a whole bunch, bread them (not yet fried), and then freeze them in between wax paper so that it's a really quick meal. That's what they did at the orphanage...

To make it a bit more healthy, we used sprouted grain bread crumbs (which we thought tasted better than the white bread), and fried them in unrefined coconut oil. Also, I had a small cut of meat so our pieces are much smaller than normal, but because it was sliced thinly, we had enough for dinner, three sandwiches (liberally piled), and a kiddos lunch. Economical and yummy!
We served it with a red potato/sweet potato garlic mash, and buttered fresh asparagus (we always butter vegetables because it aids in the absorption of vitamins)...YUM!

Here's a fun blog called ASADO ARGENTINA
it tells you how to make bife de chorizo....and other fun stuff!

7/7/2008 02:49:00 pm

YUM!!! I love economic and super yummy meal ideas, I just asked Geoff if he would make these and freeze them for me and he said when he was in a bible school cook in Austria he used to crank out tons of these, only they called them schnitzels.

7/8/2008 01:04:58 am

Congratulations Lisa and Brent!!!!! I just read below a bit:)) When you going to find out your due date?! I find that i start feeling Ugh, yuck, blah around the 2nd maybe you are due in Feb. eh?:)
I'll have to try frying them in coconut oil...i think they sell it in Scz. I stopped making them b/c they were so greasy! They ARE great in sandwiches though! I like your idea about the italian seasonings too! Congrats again!

7/9/2008 12:40:15 pm

Congrats on the little one soon to come!! I am so excited for you. I am glad to see you are doing so well. The kids look so healthy and happy. I hope to see you soon, or atleast talk. I spent the afternoon yesterday with your mom. She talks so proudly of you and Brent. I love to hear how you are doing and what you are up to. I'll keep checking out your blog to see the latest inside your fun filled life. Good luck and can't wait to see pictures of your growing momma belly!

7/10/2008 05:33:45 am

I just wanted to let you know about a website that I found that sells bulk herbs similar to the bulk herb store, that I know that you like, but with better prices. I don't know if you have heard of it but it is called and it sells herbs, water filters and even has recipes and some other fun things too. It's worth atleast checking out when you find the time. Love ya, give a kiss to kids for me.

7/14/2008 08:10:31 am

we eat that all the time! you can also make it with chicken and pork, always delicious!
I grew up eating milaneza and mucha carne, so it's always great to sit with family and enjoy a churrasco!

7/15/2008 04:52:59 am

hi there!
Haven't been to your site in a while...looks like you have been busy! I was just thinking of you and hope you are feeling well!


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