Saw the midwife yesterday...still 2 1/2 centimeters...though now 75% effaced, and the baby is as low as it's gonna get!! This is the weird waiting phase...knowing that baby could come at any minute...making sure everyone has their phones at all times...trying to get a comfortable night's sleep. All the while, I'm still trying to enjoy my kids in special ways knowing that I'm going to be a bit distracted with new baby's arrival.
I also have to report that through the help of some great friends...I am officially 95% ready for the baby to come!!
 ~ Friends came over and sorted all our baby clothes, took them home to wash them, brought them back and helped me set up the "baby station" in our room! Other generous friends donated to gift us Baby Diaper Service for a couple months (THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!) and the cloth diapers are set out and waiting!
 ~ And if that's not enough to make you go, "Awwwhh, that is sweet!", friends from church threw me a baby shower in which they showered me with freezer meals!! From frozen waffles to Jambalaya, our freezer is stuffed!  Isn't that the best idea ever for someone who has all the "gear" they need?! I feel so spoiled and lovingly supported.
 ~ Did I mention my mom is here...WOW!
So what possibly could I be unprepared for, you ask?
 ~ We're still struggling with names...narrowed down a bit, but the middle name thing is a toughy!
 ~ Most of you dear friends know the struggle I have had with my other two kids in the breast milk production department. I produce some, but not enough to exclusively breast feed my babies. This is a HUGE issue for me, over which I have anguished the entire time my kids were babies. I have tried EVERYTHING  from herbs, teas, pumping, prescription drugs, beer, brewer's yeast, supplements, tons of water, weekly visits with a lactation specialist, and tube feeding at the breast for 9 months and still could not up my supply. So I'm geared up with all those things, YET AGAIN, to support my journey down this milky way (sorry) =)...minus the pump...which I'm anxiously awaiting for next Tuesday. So part of me is prepared physically to do this all over again, though emotionally, I am half trying to psych myself up and half trying to accept my situation with joy and thankfulness for a new little life. If you remember to...please pray for me in this area!
 ~ Oh yeah, and one MINOR dillema...all three car seats don't quite fit in the back seat. I refuse to by a new car (please, don't anyone say the word "minivan"), and some experienced moms have agreed to let me shuffle around with trying out we'll see.
 I'll try to post before labor hits...but I can't promise anything...please be patient as I move through this transition.

1/23/2009 11:16:29 am

Love you! Praying for you and baby! (And all of you, of course. : ) I'm SO happy to hear how you've been provided for and blessed, Lisa. You are so dearly loved. XOXOXO

1/23/2009 11:57:24 am

I will be praying for you!!!! Oh, and I love our "m" word that I'm not going to actually say! =)
You're doing great!!!
love to you!

1/23/2009 11:21:37 pm

I'm so excited! you'll do great, just relax and enjoy these last days ( last day? ).
You are an awesome mama and your kids and very blessed.
love you!

1/24/2009 07:34:28 am

When I told Jason about the carseat problem he said "Aren't they just made of plastic? Shave 'em down!" :O)

ugh...waiting isn't very fun..but it sounds like you're trying to rest up while you can. How encouraging to have all of that help and support!

1/25/2009 10:08:18 pm

Well, now WE get to be in the exciting waiting game, anxiously awaiting news of your wee lad or lassie, the name, the pictures, the news.

But for you, I know it's a different wait, with different emotions and anxieties and great, great love. So we are all thinking of you these days, Lisa, you and Baby and the whole family.

2/3/2009 01:19:26 pm

Hey Lisa,
Thinking of you guys! Hope you are able to breastfeed more this time. Will try and remember to pray for you in that area. Glad you have all that support!

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