So it's getting cold around here. There's a towel at the base of our front door to keep the cold air from blowing in.
- I miss having the doors and windows open and hearing the birds chirping in our apple tree. 
- I miss seeing my son run around in his boots in the backyard....walking in the garden, harvesting the berries or tomatoes (even the unripe ones!), pouring rocks from one flower pot to another.
- I miss hanging my laundry out on the line...looking at all the cloth diapers in a row, little onesies and sleepers, even the blankie made it out occasionally. 
- I miss bringing the blanket and pillows outside to lay in the sun and read, sleep, or have a picnic. 
- I miss opening my blinds to let the sun brighten up my home. I notice that in the winter I hardly open my blinds during the day, and when I do, there is hardly a change in lighting in the room!
- I miss going for late evening walks with the family and it still being quite light out.
Right now I'm shivering as I type knowing that I need to be thankful for this season too...Here's a few good reasons:
- It's candle season...I bring out the candles and try to have at least one going when my husband comes home.
- I don't have to water the indoor plants as much.
- No flies buzzing through the house.
- Pumpkin patches, birthdays, piles of leaves, family gatherings, home decorating.
- Soup. I love making soups. Especially homemade chicken soup. I could write an entire blog about my process.
- Scarves and hats come me an excuse to knit more.
Well, I've been sitting here too long in the's time to say goodnight and join my hubby who has already made the bed warm! I think I'll wear socks to bed so I don't shock him with my cold feet. =)

11/21/2007 09:35:48 am

Well, Lisa, I am truely flabbergasted! Speechless and quite tickled ....!
Welcome to the blogging world, enjoy, enjoy, I'm sure you'll love it! Great job so far - I'm proud of you for mastering adding on photos as well!
I'll be a regular ...

11/21/2007 01:32:57 pm

thanks for sending me the link! Have fun blogging your life away :)

11/21/2007 03:06:09 pm


That is SO FUN you're blogging! :)
And what a *cute* picture on your sidebar! :)

I checked my sitemeter today and got here that way... wondering who "mamasays" was. And then I saw your cute picture and am just delighted you have a blog.


Warren and Janet
11/22/2007 01:14:51 am

hi Lisa,

How did you learn to do this? What a good job. Laughed with the laughing baby and enjoyed your notes on summer and fall.

Happy Thanksgiving!

See you soon :o) :o)

11/22/2007 03:21:53 am

Look at you! And you thought it would be too's beautiful! We'll be checking frequently to keep up with you guys!! Love you!


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