We made laundry soap today! It's been on my list of to do's for quite a while, but Mondays always feel like a fresh start to me....so I thought why not?!!! It was so easy and it took less time than mixing up a batch of cookies!
Here's the recipe for a powdered mix that I got off of The Frugal Shopper

1 cup grated Fels Naptha soap
1/2 cup washing soda
1/2 cup borax
(I mixed in an additional 1/3 cup of baking soda)
Just grate the soap, measure, and mix everything together!
It says to only use 1-2 Tablespoons per load!

The washer just finished the second load using this stuff, so here's what I have to report:
-There's hardly any fragrance to the washed clothes. So if you like your laundry smelly, then it says to grate in a bar of soap with the smell that you like instead of the Fels Naptha. I think no smell is just fine, and I throw a sachet of lavender (they sell them at Trader Joe's or  you could make your own) into the dryer and it works fine.
-Dirty rags and husband's work socks retained no odor.
-Clothes looked and felt clean; no residue.
-Low suds.
-It doesn't make up a very big batch....but if you're only using a tablespoon per load, then I suppose that it could last a while. It seems like the liquid recipes would be more cost effective, but take a bit more time to make, and it wouldn't look as nice stored in my glass jars.  =)  I might try that, though, if I go through this too fast.
-Very gratifying to make, and I like knowing that there's no additives or heavy perfumes.
-I'm not sure how it will handle stains, it doesn't have any enzymes to break up organic matter....but I can use other tricks for that stuff.
-They say you can't use it on baby clothes because is reduces the effectiveness of the fire retardant.

So I guess it's so far so good....so if you want to put in a request for a batch as a Christmas gift......let me know!
(P.S. Camee, thanks for your encouragement...I did it!  I'm glad that you like your liquid version...you're inspiring!)

11/26/2007 03:43:45 pm

ok...so none of the baby clothes we have are fire retardant...do they make them anymore?? And to get stains out...especially the avacado and poopy ones...my mom taught me about washing soda (like baking soda, but washing..). So now I keep a bucket of water/washing soda by the washer and after a bib gets dirty (or other piece of clothing) I just toss it in there and let it soak (no scrubbing!!) until I do the next load and then just throw it in!!


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