Just a few photos to catch y'all up...nothing exciting to report. We did have a wonderful time playing "hooky" together...got lots of sleep, good conversation, cooked together, watched "Iron Man", went out for breakfast, had lots of fun at the wedding in Seattle, and indulged in some yummy food and dancing at the Space Needle reception. It was energizing...though we were so ready to pick up the kids Sunday afternoon! We're dealing with some behavioral issues with Josiah...and it's really tiring. I'm trying so hard to deal with it calmly and without emotion, but sometimes I get so mad! The terrible twos were not so bad compared to the tremendous threes!
This photo of Gracie was not staged...she climbed up all by herself and was so proud...Josiah on the other hand was freaking out...concerned for her safety! Don't worry, we took her off before we started it up!

Another cute one....that hair....!

Here he is...Mr. Trouble himself...he has this laugh...you know he's being mischievous...but it's so contagious!! He is so much fun....

I love this one....it needs no explanation!

This is me at the wedding....a bit disheveled and getting tired, but had so much fun...

I've got to go rescue the pumpkin bread from the oven, pick up an awake little, girl, and get crackin on dinner!

10/15/2008 12:25:24 pm

you look so beautiful!!! and I too love the daddy/daughter picture...frame it!
I will be praying for you with parenting...I so feel for you. All of Keatons short life has been a CONSTANT battle and just this past year it seems to slowly be paying off...but boy did I have days when all I could do was cry and REALLY wonder if the person that wrote the verse that 'children are a blessing from the Lord' even had children! Now it seems as if Abby has become a bigger challenge than Keaton, but I'll take her bad attitudes anyday over Keatons bad days!
Oh, I have also wondered how I could love a child so much and how he could be the person to make me madder than anyone ever has! He's got a gift at pushing buttons.
I'll keep you in my prayers!!! Keep on keepin' on sister!!!

10/17/2008 07:09:07 am

You look beautiful in the wedding pic..:O) I think it's fun to dress up every once in awhile!!

You guys look like you've been busy! I love how the weather has still been sunny even as it's cooling off. We've been outside every day.

10/18/2008 07:44:40 am

I agree with Teneisha and Tarena, you look so great in the wedding picture. You most definitely have the pregnancy glow! It's so funny how different children are, and all poeple for that matter. Mariah, from the day we brought her home from the hospital to around two and a half, she was sooooo challenging! It seemed imposible to be a mother and still stay sain. But then, when she was almost three until now, she is really a walk in the park comparatively. I remember telling you some about the frustrations that I had, meanwhile Josiah seemed to be so calm and content. So reading your previous blog when you were saying that the three's are more challenging than the two's, it is so funny to me. Just like life, kid's definitely grow in stages or phases. It is a blessing, however, to be a part of this wonderful journey shaping them into little human beings. What more could you ask for?


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