I found out last Wednesday night...so I don't think I'm very far along. I just had a feeling...and I was staying up really late to write the blog about how awful I was feeling....then it hit me that I should take another prego test. It was very positive and I just stood there for a minute letting it all sink in. By this time it was around midnight, and I didn't want to wake Brent up cause I knew we'd sit and talk about it for hours and he'd have to be at work early....so I went to bed and lay there myself awake for hours thinking and processing this news. After the alarm went off I told Brent that he needed to go to the bathroom....he kept insisting that he was warm and cozy and didn't need to go...befuddled as to why I was insistent...so then I said..."fine...I'm pregnant!". I loved the puzzled, smiling..."what..?" that came out next... the only bummer was that we had only about 10 minutes to talk before he had to leave.
Anyway, I will make an appointment with the midwife soon, and we'll get this due date settled....I'm thinking maybe March 09??
 The reason I'm sharing so early is because I'm a bit scared/nervous/apprehensive....about the potential for having a miscarriage,(we had one before we got pregnant with Josiah) and I thought that if I shared this with all of you then I would - A. feel supported through whatever and B. know that there could be a few more prayer warriors fighting for the life of this baby.
This little one was a surprise, but then again, we weren't doing anything to prevent it....so I guess the potential was always there in my mind. I'm wondering how it will be with three....and if this time I'll figure out my health issues so that I'll produce enough breast milk....
I met with the naturopath Tuesday afternoon and I had low iron levels...so I got some liquid iron to drink with OJ, my thyroid levels with on the lower end of normal, so I have a few months supply of a natural supplement to support that, and I've got some killer prenatals......but I'm still left questioning the reason why I never was able to produce enough milk for either of my kids!!! That is so frustrating to me! I'm on a mission....and I have 9 ish?? months to figure this out....
Thank you all for your words of encouragement and support!!

6/19/2008 02:29:27 pm

Hmmm...I guess it's good it's not low thyroid, but then what???!!! When my iron was low the RN said that OJ is fine, but actually taking chewable vit C is better... and it tastes sour and makes you make funny faces! :O) (remember the guatemalan limes...whew!) And I'm sure you know blackstap molasses, and the list goes on...
Feel better soon!!


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