This is what I've planted as seeds in my long porch containers....a recommendation from my dear Mother-In-Law who had great success with them in her pots last year. I'll have one on either side of the porch....we'll see if they end up looking like this at the end of the summer! Best of all, you don't need to fertilize!...but you do need to dead-head (remove all dead flowers). I've never used seeds for my annuals other than marigolds, but since it's such a cost effective way to go...I hope it turns out!
Here's the scoop on this plant:
Godetia "Godezia"
Special "Azaela European Blend"
 - A blend of many colors and bicolors. Plant habit is base branching and overall habit and flowering time between many different colors is VERY uniform. Flowers heavily. Annual. This West Coast native is also known as Farewell-to-Spring, bidding the season goodbye with its dramatic display of blooms from spring to early summer. Slender, upright plants bear double, cup-like flowers in shades of pink and lavender. Good for fresh-cut bouquets. Days to Sprout 7 - 14, Plant seeds outdoors in early spring as soon as soil can be worked. Godetia needs well-drained - even sandy - soil without fertilizer. (Seeds may be started indoors in peat pots 6 to 8 weeks earlier.) Where winters are mild, seeds may be planted outdoors in fall. Sow seeds, cover lightly with soil and keep moist until seedlings are established. Water when the top 3-inch layer of soil is dry. Do not fertilize. Remove faded blossoms to prolong flowering. For cut flowers, cut when top bud opens.

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