It's purge day in the Rollins household!! Hurray!
I spent last week with Tenisha in Portland (sadly, I did not take a single picture!!) and we spent lots of time cleaning and sorting and organizing...(thank you, Auntie Squisha, for letting me play at your house!)
So now that I'm home and a bit more settled and rested (we stayed up super late gabbing...) and I'm in my smaller space with more stuff....I'm feeling inspired to purge!!!
I had a girlfriend who would come over and she would say "let's find 100 things to get rid of!"  At first the task seemed daunting, until she explained that it could be things to give away, throw away, or consign...and pretty soon I was able to come up with all sorts of things I had been overlooking in my clutter! We did reach our goal...and it felt so good....
So today, even though I am alone (okay, I've still got my little munchkins who want to sit on my lap as I blog...and who are destructing as I'm cleaning...but not a motivating friend to keep me on task!!)....I'm inspired...though I've lowered my list for today to 50 things purged... ( I get bonus points for more than 50 items, right????)
Onward Ho! First we have to get through breakfast.....

9/11/2008 04:40:04 am

Wow! You are motivated! Get on with your bad self! Since you guys have left I've been calling Jada 'Jada Fada' and 'fog', thanks Josiah! His little voice is stuck in my head...

9/11/2008 04:41:08 am

Oh, and how do you plan on rewarding yourself for overage points? I vote doughnuts...or maybe fresh lemon tea...:O)


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