So here are a few fun facts about me....
- I sing loudly in the car when I'm driving alone or with my kids.
- Flamenco guitar music makes me melt.
- I love multicultural art.
- My main love language is 'acts of service'.
- I get overwhelmed easily.
- I really enjoy organizing other people's stuff.
- My baby's smile has made me cry on more than one occasion.
- If I went back to school I'd study naturopathic medicine...or organic agriculture....or culinary arts....
- I make up cheesy songs...all the time!
- Someday I'd like to make a children's CD.
- I enjoy the process of cooking and I read cook books for fun.
- I rarely follow a recipe when I cook...I tinker.
- The next language I'd like to study is Mandarin Chinese.
- The next country I'd like to visit is Croatia....or Nicaragua....
- I usually choose salty over sweet...unless it's dark chocolate.
- Two things I know are bad for me but still buy them on occasion and thoroughly enjoy: chips and kielbasa sausage.
- I like to play board games.
- I get lost in time when I'm in a group of people who like to sing harmony together.
- I like to ask hard questions.
- I enjoy reading about nutrition and natural medicine, and have offended a few people with my opinions!
- I really want to own chickens and a goat someday....

Well...there's a some random facts about me....What about you?
If you leave a comment share with me a random fact about you!!

1/24/2008 06:49:03 am

Hard "what is farming really like?" - then sitting for an hour in the Emmaus cafeteria listening to some boring kid from Illinois tell you all he knows about farming?

: )

Miss ya, girl!

2/28/2008 03:20:50 am

i found your blog URL!! and in my catching up, i thought i would mention that i too, really want to own chickens and a goat. maybe a cashmere goat, have you ever felt one of those??? incredible.


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