This purging thing feels so good....I'm up to over 110 things piling up on the guestroom bed! I've even found some food items in the cupboard that I know I won't use so I can donate those to the Food Bank! 
We North Americans  have so much "stuff"....that we don't need or even use....when we can be content (still quite spoiled) with so much less....
I started out my parenting days with the philosophy that I didn't want to have very many toys. I have traveled to places where children played contently with rocks and sticks and their only toy was a ball, which they used to play with each other!
I didn't want my kids to be consumed by materialism even before they had a chance to talk!  I still feel strongly about limiting the quality and quantity of toys that enter our home....but it's so hard to live in a society where this perspective is not only misunderstood but also persecuted!  This purge, though, has me revisiting my ideals and seeking to pare down the stuff even more....allowing toys that are relationship building, stimulating to the imagination, constructive, and hopefully lead-free. =) Still, though...I get great pleasure from seeing my children playing outside contently with and sticks.

9/13/2008 03:50:41 am

I've come to the same philosophy about a limitation on toys as well, Lisa, and have come across a few comments from others as well, questioning why I need to be so in control in this way. I think, especially, when they are so little, to set up my nursery filled with toys and trinkets and stuffed animals ... what is the point of that? ... they can't even pick anything up?! I do have a few select wooden, creative, simply "toys" already on display but I've never wanted to be one of those homes which has multiple Rubbermaid containers or baskets overflowing with (sorry- crap, plastic) toys. The bottom half of toys the children never get to half the time anyways! I certainly won't be a 'mean Mummy' about it, but want to be conscious of what we purchase for them, and why.

The biggest challenge is then passing on that same philosophy to Mum and Dad's desire and limitations of their own "toys", right?! Need to be consistent ... :(

9/15/2008 02:29:19 pm

I've been trying to simplify the food consumption/meal planning portion of my life. Getting rid of what is not necessary (ie meals with non cost effective ingredients) and trying to prioritize when to buy organic and when is it not being a good steward of my money. We have been trying to more deliberately live the motto of one of my favorite blog to "live simply in order to give generously". I also just got the children's book "Dangerous Journey" which is an easier to read version of Pilgrims Progress which was super convicting when they talk about all the things that distract from the narrow path we are ment to stay on, thing that don't always seem bad at first...but they are not what is best for us when you look at the big (eternal) picture. I've been thinking a lot lately...we'll have to chat someday again...its been awhile.

9/15/2008 03:25:54 pm

Hey, Lisa, you look so great. And Josiah and Gracie look so cute and so content just indulging in the simple things in life. I love how heartfelt you are and how deeply that you think about things. I completely understand how you feel about the whole vaccination thing. I have struggled very much so with the same issues with Mariah. I was always very weary about vaccinations, but did not question Mariah's doctor. Blindly and regrettfully, I have allowed Mariah to recieve ALL of her vaccinations up till date. GHc has an article regarding vaccines that will just rip your heart out. I now feel, that they are dangerous. Anyway, on al lighter note, I hope all is well, you guys look so happy and healthy. Love you lots, we'll talk soon. We can email and I'll give you my new phone number. God bless!

9/16/2008 03:45:02 am

Way to go! I like the idea of cleaning out the food cupboard as well!

9/16/2008 08:01:19 am

You go girl-I'm amazed that you have the energy. Sometimes it's hard to part with "stuff" but when we had Beth and Micah's fundraiser garage sale, it felt so good to cleanse my home of crap!!! It makes me want to go at it again and again-if I haven't read, worn, eaten, or listened to/watched something in a year, it's gotta go, man!

9/22/2008 07:59:56 am

I hope you are still doing well and are in good health. I just really wanted to let you know about this healthy chocolate greens powder that I think every kid would love. It's called Green superfood by the company Amazing Grass. It is made with all organic ingrediants including nutrient grasses llike alfalfa, spinach etc. and a fiber blend, a super alge blend of chlorella and spirlina, probiotics, enzymes, organic chocolate and some herbs. I can't believe it tastes so good! Mariah loves it, and she is the hardest seller there is. So I am really thankful that I found this. If you want any more information on this, just let me know. I have found that I can also hide some extra raw cacao powder and some raw blue green alge that she can't even detect. You just mix the powder with some water, easy and no fuss. So if you are in a hurry and don't want to pull out the blender, you can just quicly mix it up. Email me or call me. Love you and hope all is well. I'll be praying for the little one on the way and the rest of your family.

9/22/2008 02:26:08 pm

I really agree with you on the "less toys is better" thought! We are CONSTANTLY going through there toys and tossing the broken ones or donating some...we have SUCH a generous family that the kids get SO many toys!
People are UNBELIEVABLY SHOCKED when they find out that we very rarely buy our kids presents! They think we are cruel or mean...odd, I kind of think of it in the opposite way!
Tim and I were even joking recently about how we won't be buying them any presents at Christmas, but we still want it to be a fun morning at our home...we were saying how they have so much more fun with the cardboard boxes most of the time...then we got the awesome idea of getting some LARGE refrigerator/appliance boxes and taping them together, drawing on them and cutting openings in them to make a cool fort for them to wake up to on Christmas morning! It will only last a few days at the most in our home, but it will be such a fun and memorable thing to do!

Susan R
10/18/2008 04:25:00 pm

This was so inspiring and encouraging to me. I fall so easily into the trap that my kids need more and more "stuff". And I am not good at throwing things out/donating, so they just pile up and I have to add more toy baskets to our home. And even with all the toys, I think that Elias' fave toys are this one huge rubber band and a bamboo stick about 3 feet long.
Thanks for the encouraging thoughts about purging. This is going to be my next home project....


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