This little girl...her hair is getting so long that it's in her face quite we like to put it up in "tails", as Josiah calls them. I can't believe how big she's getting and how fast the time is going....

8/27/2008 07:33:24 am

She is SO adorable...I need to practice my photography on her!

8/28/2008 02:47:32 am

Love her "tails"! - she's too cute, Lise.

8/28/2008 06:28:07 am

I just can't believe I've not been there to witness the growth and changes in her. I see the same blinds in your kitchen window, the same booster seat Josiah used to use, the same carpet in your living room... I've seen and touched those. But that precious little girl of yours? I wish I could know her. You have a *girl* Lisa! I've yet to see you be mama to a girl! : ) Must be so fun, and so different! Sorry to be so sentimental. Just missing you all... Love you TONS!!! XOXOXOXOX

8/30/2008 03:43:51 am

I love the tails!!!

Can't wait to see you guys next week! We are looking forward to the good company!


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