Remember Amy? Well, we first ate this at her house during one of our Settlers of Catan game nights...  She got the recipe from her gourmet sister-in-law... So thanks, Amy and Ashley...we love this!
Very refreshing, unique taste.  So quick and easy to make...the hard part is waiting for it to freeze!
It's an.....
Apple, Ginger, Basil Granita
-3 and 1/2 cups of Sparkling Apple Cider
-1/4 cup sugar or evaporated cane juice (I used a bit less than this....)
-1 TBS chopped basil (Trader Joe's has lots of organic basil for cheap)
-1/2 tsp peeled and finely grated ginger root

Put sugar, basil, and ginger in the food processor or blender (you might need to add a bit of liquid of using a blender) until sugar is green and ingredients are finely pureed. Add sparkling cider and pour into a shallow dish or bowl. As mixture hardens, scrape with a fork every half hour or that the final texture is like a sno-cone. Transfer to an airtight container for freezer storage.
You can serve it in a martini glass with a thinly sliced apple or sprig of looks pretty...we just put it in little bowls for ourselves...or ate it straight out of the container!
Let me know if you try it and what you a staple from now on in this house!

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