Today I'm....
-Perfecting a homemade pinto bean recipe...
-Watching my kids be very industrious in the emptying the bag of grass from the lawn mower....and then putting it back in. =)
-Cleaning the house for our Community Group tonight...last time we had 27 in our little living room....I'm hoping for a few less this time!
-Checking my friends blogs...and being really thankful that they have blogs.
-Harvesting the last of the tomatoes for the season...
-Drinking lots of water....
-Savoring the sunshine and airing out the house...
-Listening to classical music blare throughout the house...Pandora is the best, if you haven't discovered it yet!
-Preparing a longer more pensive blog....
-Rejoicing and thankful for a wonderful Savior, husband, children, and community.
-Looking forward to passing the kids off to the in-laws for a few days with my Hubby this weekend. We have a wedding in Seattle and the reception is the Space Needle!!

10/10/2008 11:34:59 am

Sounds like a great day! And I love the Space Needle...what a cool place for a wedding. Hope you enjoy yourselves!!

10/11/2008 02:32:43 pm

Wow! so you get to do all these things in one day? THERE'S HOPE!!! THERE'S HOPE!
Thanks so much for listening to my questions and being so honest about the reality of having two kids.
I look forward to talking to you more in the future.
Enjoy your weekend!

10/15/2008 08:05:30 am

Hope you had a fun weekend away! You are so ambitious and such an inspiration Lisa!! How do you get it all done??

10/22/2008 05:32:12 am

The tremendous three's, can't wait, yikes! How did it go on Sunday after the "Josiah pushed Gracie her mouth was bleeding" incident?

12/12/2010 03:43:54 pm

Therefore be at peace with God.


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