Brent has had an ulcer for the last two weeks...not fun! In an effort to avoid taking antibiotics, he spent some time online researching natural remedies frequently used for the treatment of ulcers. The first one he found was DGL;  (deglycyrrhizinated licorice root extract) used to help build up the natural mucus lining in the stomach. This helped a bit, but he could still be found clutching his gut while lying debilitated on the couch. So he continued the hunt....and found cabbage juice!  When juiced and drunken as much as 32oz a day (Brent mixes it with juice - half/half), it was found to be as effective as the leading drugs prescribed for patients approx. 9 days until healed! This one he had to try, being simple and relatively cost effective. Two days on the stuff and he hardly feels the ulcer at all!  We've been up to our ears in cabbages...the de-juiced pulp has a terrible odor that when left standing for any amount of time permeates the kitchen...yuk!..But who would have guessed that something so simple could have such a profound effect! So pass on the news...though be prepared for the smelly side effects!

3/3/2008 10:35:08 pm

Hi there Lisa!
Cass told me you had a site up! Cool!
I have not seen the part about your kids, but look forward to seeing your new addition and her name;-)!
Hope Brent feels better!
Love, Kari


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