This is such a controversial subject these days...and I must say I haven't done loads of research except for reading a book or two....I know that when we took Josiah in for one of his first check-ups I felt so much pressure to vaccinate him right there on the spot...otherwise I was a bad mother. So I yielded...and they gave my wee baby 5 shots in one day! I felt so apologetic and wished I had come in armed with some sort of conviction regarding the matter. 
Now?...well...let's just say that I don't want to blindly accept every piece of advice that medical doctors give me...Hence the books on my shelf... "How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor" (outdated, but a refreshing perspective)..."Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child" (thanks, Christa)..."We Don't Die, We Kill Ourselves"...Oh, wait...that's not directly related to child rearing....Sorry...
Just to throw in a clause here....I'm not anti-vaccination...well, at least not every single one.... =)...But I'm still thinking through this issue, and certainly do believe that there should be an alternative schedule...certainly it is not necessary to give an infant five doses in one sitting...the same amount that would be dispensed to a 5 year old!??
So, please be patient with my "trying to think outside the cultural norm box"...and don't demand that I have this all figured out....(because if you would have asked me two and a half years ago, I would have been completely anti-vaccination!).
Aren't we as mothers responsible and entitled to evolve and even change our perspectives as we season?
 Here's some food for thought....An interesting article I read through another blogger's site.

8/29/2008 09:34:35 am

I have wondered about this often too...although, after the baby came I was so busy I never got around to looking into it and so all of ours have had their shots. I would love to hear more if you learn something!
Also, the wrap is super easy to use! I had it down in the first or second try-SO WONDERFUL!!!

8/30/2008 03:49:10 am

I do very clearly remember that day with Josiah at the doctors office. I do too wish we had more info under our belts at the time...poor guy...but he's turned out OK!!! Actually better than ok..he's a pretty cool kid, :O), huh? We've changed the schedule a bit for Tyson's shots, I don't understand why so many are needed ALL AT ONCE. Thankfully our doctor was in agreement. I do think it's partly driven by people who want an easy fix because it's convienient for them (I don't mean for that statement to sound biting, as some people are busy, busy, busy with working and raising a family). We just need to be aware of what's going on and why and willing to talk with the doc about our decisions...lots more thoughts, but the babe is having a hard time sleeping...

8/30/2008 09:16:51 am

Definitely better to spread them out if possible, in my opinion. I took Joshua in last year and he was up for like *10* shots!! They gave me the option of doing 1/2 and coming back another time for the rest, but since he's always taken his shots pretty well, and I thought we'd better just get it over with - a couple shots, a couple more; if he's gonna be in pain let's just do it all at once... but BOY was it horrible!! After the first few he was crying hard and resisting and I felt awful continuing on in the process. I would definitely choose differently if I'd known what was going to happen. Now he might have a complex about shots!
And yeah, the whole immunization thing is so hard to figure out! I want my kids to be safe from horrible diseases, but not to be subject to autism or anything else as a result. I guess we just make our best informed decisions and then sit back and trust God...
And yes, I am surprised to hear you thinking differently!! : )
Love you XOXO


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